Monday 27 March 2017

Al- Farabi Origin Of State Abu Nasir Alfarabi The Great Islamic Philosopher Origin of State

Alfarabi  describe the different  conditions lead to led the emergence of state of ignorance.He studied the ideas of different scholar , [State of ignorance means if state is not ideal] if state is not ideal it is not included but generally  i have mentioned

Origin Of State

1  A Group of scholar says that force is the reason that led to cooperation between individual . 

2  poterircha  theory on the birth relation between father and child according to this group of scholar children born of same born of same father cooperate with each other as compare to those who are not belonging to them,

3 Material relation between two groups .
4 people organised by the supreme leader to political cooperation by talking oath that no one harm and hate each other .

5 language custom culture are the basis of cooperation 
6 geographical elements of same city sharing bonds of unity 

Farabi studied three condition which are the view points that built state ,like Greek philosophers, Farabi too took organic view of state.He link humean body with structure of state principal organ of human body is heart and state is leader 'Rais'. According to him heart signify the station of various organs which heart serve them. According to him  leader determin the status of group in society according to him body consist of different organs whose importance decreases with their distance increases with heart . In the same manner the state Rias arrange different function aries the significance of inccrease oand decreaseees depending upon the distance between them Rias ,

 Note;  Rias was the term which used for Leader 

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