Monday 27 March 2017

Al- Farabi Origin Of State Abu Nasir Alfarabi The Great Islamic Philosopher Origin of State

Alfarabi  describe the different  conditions lead to led the emergence of state of ignorance.He studied the ideas of different scholar , [State of ignorance means if state is not ideal] if state is not ideal it is not included but generally  i have mentioned

Origin Of State

1  A Group of scholar says that force is the reason that led to cooperation between individual . 

2  poterircha  theory on the birth relation between father and child according to this group of scholar children born of same born of same father cooperate with each other as compare to those who are not belonging to them,

3 Material relation between two groups .
4 people organised by the supreme leader to political cooperation by talking oath that no one harm and hate each other .

5 language custom culture are the basis of cooperation 
6 geographical elements of same city sharing bonds of unity 

Farabi studied three condition which are the view points that built state ,like Greek philosophers, Farabi too took organic view of state.He link humean body with structure of state principal organ of human body is heart and state is leader 'Rais'. According to him heart signify the station of various organs which heart serve them. According to him  leader determin the status of group in society according to him body consist of different organs whose importance decreases with their distance increases with heart . In the same manner the state Rias arrange different function aries the significance of inccrease oand decreaseees depending upon the distance between them Rias ,

 Note;  Rias was the term which used for Leader 

Saturday 25 March 2017

Preamble Of Pakistan Constitution 1973 Full In English Urdu Preamble In Urdu

Whereas sovereignty Over the entire Universe belong to Almighty Allah , and the authority to be exercised by the People of Pakistan with in the limits prescribed by his a scared trust and where it is the of the Pakistan to established an order,

Wherein state shall exercise its power and authority though the chosen representative of the People.

wherein the principal of democracy freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated [تشریح]  by Islam shall be fully Observed ,

Wherein Muslim shall be enable to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teaching and requirements of Islam as set out the holy Quran and Sunnah,

Wherein adequate provision [مناسب انتطام] shall be made for the minorities freely to profess and practice their religion and developed their cultures,

Wherein the territories now included in or in accession with Pakistan in or in accession with Pakistan and such other territories as many hereafter be  included in or accede to Pakistan shall form a federation where in the units will be an autonomous on their powers and authority may be prescribed.

Therein shall be guaranteed of  of fundamental rights including equality of status, of opportunities before law, social and political justice and freedom of thought and expression, belief ,faith  worship , association and subject to law and morality,

Wherein adequate provision shall made to safe gourd the legitimate interests of the minorities and backward and depressed classes 

Wherein independence Of Judiciary  shall be secured,

Wherein the integrity of the territories of the federation its independence  and all its rights including it sovereign rights on land sea and air shall be safeguarded , So that the people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their right full land land humored place among est the nation of the world and make their full contribution to word international peace and progress and happiness of humanity ,

Now there fore we , the people of Pakistan cognisant  of our responsibility before almighty Allah Faithful to declaration made by Quaid i  Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that Pakistan would be a democratic state based on Islamic principal of social justice,
Dedicated to the preservation of Democ
racy achieved by the  un remitting struggle of the people against oppression and tyranny

چونکہ الللہ پاک ہی  پوری  کاءینتا  کا بلا شرکت حکم مطلق ہے اور پاکستان کے عوام کو