Saturday 9 December 2017

Happy New Year Poetry 2018 Best Wishes For Friend And Family

New Year SMS 2018 – As the year closes and New Year starts, each heart loads with new trusts and look in chances to satisfy their fantasies. Individuals overall wish each other all the best and respects by sending New Year SMS messages. As the innovation is flourishing around the world, individuals have made sense of various approaches to send New Year SMS message. Online networking stages, Whats App messages, telephone calls are the most regular courses received to send in New Year SMS message. Devoting an OK New Year wish isn't limited to any age gathering. From youths to maturity, everybody loves to impart their bliss to friends and family by sending New Year SMS 2017. This page is committed to the individuals who trust in wishing New Year through message. You can discover packs of alternatives here online that can expedite grin your cherished one's face. New Year 2017 SMS is the correct approach to wish. Welcome the New Year contrastingly by devoting some extraordinary Happy New Year SMS 2017 to your loved ones. Send some heart filled wishes to your friends and family by means of New Year 2017 SMS. We have a most recent rundown of New Year SMS 2017 that can be picked and send from our page. Find 2017 biggest gathering of New Year SMS messages at presented by client, express your inclination with all the New Year SMS instant messages of 2017, New Year SMS Quotes, Wishes, Greetings in Urdu, English and Urdu. best wishes 
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Tuesday 21 November 2017

How to control Negative Thoughts and Emotions

learn 6 helpful hints and traps to control your negative considerations and feelings. Free Life aptitudes and delicate abilities by Skillopedia to enhance your identity and build up a positive and solid state of mind.

1.Be mindful of your triggers

In the event that you realize that you battle with feelings like outrage or dread ensure that you know about the conditions that that trigger them. So in the event that somebody makes any antagonism through their moves you can make control of your considerations and feelings by being rationally arranged.

2.Know the circumstance well

Once in a while we have negative considerations since we know just a single side of the story. It's critical to know the correct circumstance so you don't get annoyed with anybody for the wrong reasons.Make beyond any doubt that you know everything before you respond to a circumstance.

3.Write it down -

It's an old method for attempting to change your negative considerations into something positive. On the off chance that you begin recording the data with reference to when you got steamed and the reasons as well, you will have something like a diary to glance back at and see precisely what upsets you.This will be an incredible approach to do some self examination

4.Speak up -

How frequently have you told somebody that his or her activities bother you? Without a doubt people's activities can influence us. It's essential to tell them that their activities inconvenience you. You have to talk up and let them know, with the goal that you quit building antagonism within you.

5. Require some serious energy away

When you feel to a great degree antagonistic its essential to remove some time from that individual or circumstance. Hold up until the point that you feel quiet and you have given yourself some an opportunity to think and after that respond.

6.Be patient

Last however not the slightest you should be tolerant since it will require investment to fuse these tips throughout your life. You should be reliable and centered to have the capacity to control your negative musings.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Guardianship Of A Person And His Property Complete Notes

Guardianship ; is of property ; of person ; or in marriage
Minor     ;   A minor is a person under the age of 15 in  Islamic law and who can not protect his welfare and interest , in Islamic law minor between the ages  of  any guardian in marriage .
Important To Note ; All application for the  appointment of the Guardian of the person or of the property or of both  of a minor must be made under the provision of the guardian and the ward act 1890. For the appointment of the guardian the court will look the interest of the minor by age, sex and religion of the minor,  by the character and the capacity of the proposed guardian   and the prefrence of the minor himself.
Mother As Guardian,
The custody of an infant child belong to the mother, the mother is entitled in hanifi law to the custody of a male child under the age of seven  and of her female  child till the age of puberty .
When a Minor act as Guardian 
A  Minor cannot act as a guardian except in the case of his own wife or child .

Disqualification Of  Mother 

The mother of a child will be disqualify from guardianship in the following case

1   Marry with 2nd Husband
2   Leading immoral Life
3 Neglect to proper care of her child

guardianship Of Other Relatives In Case Of Disqualification  Of Mother

failing the mother by absence or disqualification the following female relation or entitled to the custody in order of  priority

1  Mother's Mother how so high ever

2  Father's Mother how so high ever

3 Full sister and the female relations including aunts

Failing the mother and female relation a, the following relation are entitled to the custody of a Muslim child  in order of priority

1 the father

2 nearest paternal grandfathers

3 consinguine brother and other paternal relation

4 full brother

if the child is female the relationship goes to the nearest male paternal relatives with in the prohibited degrees .

guardianship Of Property 

In islamic  law the father is the guardian of the minor's property failing him , in order of priority , the following are entitled

1  the father's Executer

2 the father's fathers

3 the paternal grandfather Executer

these are the legal guardian of the property  of the minor , it must emphasized that the substantive law of Islam does not recognize any other relatives, such as mother , the uncle or brother , etc. as legal guardian, but they may be appointed by the court

Guardian Appointed by the court

failing the above the court is entitled to appoint a guardian and in the exercise of his judgement , It may appoint the mother or some other person as guardian , a women can be also appointed

Dejure  And difactio  gaurdian 

A person not being a legal guardian  with the authority of the Guardian by the court,  place himself in the position of the guardian by intermeding  with the property of the minor such a person is defacto guardian , as distinguished from the dejure guardian who are the legal guardian and guardian appointed by the court such defacto guardian or mere custodian of the person or the property of the minor , have no right but only obligation , Neither the mother , Nor the brother nor the uncle can with out he authority of the court deal with the property of the minor.

Termination  Of Guardianship

No person is entitled to the custody of a child after he has attained puberty ,
a person appointed by the court may for sufficient reason  be removed or be resign .

Difference Between Ward and  Minor

When a guardian of a minor is appointed under guardian and ward act 1890  will be called a  Ward ,
While a person have no guardian is Known as Minor

Guardianship Of A Person And His Property Full Notes


Tuesday 14 November 2017

Relation Between International Law And State Law Theories Of International Law

Different Theories of law

1     Monoistic Theory Of  Law

2    Dualistic Theory   Of  law

3  Delegation theory of  law

4   Specific adoption Theory oF LAW

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Amir liqat call leak amir liyaqat calling to someone

کیپٹن صفدر کی قادیانیوں کے خلاف تقریر کے خلاف پاکستان میں کسی نے بات نہیں کی سوائے میرے، میں نے قادیانیوں کیلئے میں نے آواز اٹھائی، بول اور اے آر وائی نیوز جانبدار چینل ہیں،ہماری بھی جے آئی ٹی چل رہی ہے، سوشل میڈیا پر عامر لیاقت کی مبینہ کال کی ٹیپ لیک کر دی گئی۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق نجی ٹی وی بول نیوز کے اینکر عامر لیاقت کی ایک مبینہ کال کی ٹیپ سوشل میڈیا پر تیزی سے وائرل ہو رہی ہے جس میں عامر لیاقت کسی سلمان نامی آدمی سے گفتگو 

کرتے ہوئے سنے جا سکتے           shafull act 

ہیں۔ عامر لیاقت اس سلمان نامی شخص سے کہہ رہے ہیں کہ سابق وزیراعظم نواز شریف کے داماد کیپٹن(ر)صفدر کی جانب سے قومی اسمبلی میں قادیانیوں کے خلاف تقریر کے خلاف کسی نے بات نہیں کی سوائے میرے، میں نے قادیانیوں کے حق میں آواز اٹھائی۔ کال میں واضح طور پر سنا جا سکتا ہے کہ سلمان نامی شخص کی کسی بات کا جواب دیتے ہوئے عامر لیاقت اسے کہہ رہے ہیں کہ کیا کیا جا سکتا ہے بول اور اے آروائی نیوز جانبدار چینل ہیں ، ہم کچھ نہیں کر سکتے ہماری بھی جے آئی ٹی چل رہی ہے۔ عامر لیاقت کال کے دوران کیا کیا بات کرتے رہے۔۔آپ بھی سماعت فرمائیں!

Friday 20 October 2017

ختم نبوت حلف نامے میں ترمیم کرنیوالا کون تھا؟سینیٹرحافظ حمداللہ نے اصل شخصیت کا پتہ لگالیا،دھماکہ خیز اعلان

جمعیت علماء اسلام کے رہنما سینیٹر حافظ حمداللہ سینیٹ میں حلف نامے میں ترمیم کرنے والے شخص کو بے نقاب کریں گے۔تفصیلات کے مطابق سینیٹ کا اجلاس پیرکے روز چیئرمین رضاربانی کی سربراہی میں منعقد ہوگا،اجلاس میں مختلف امور پر اراکین پارلیمنٹ تبادلہ خیال کریں گے۔ذرائع کے مطابق جمعیت علماء اسلام کے مرکزی رہنما سینیٹرحمد اللہ سینیٹ کے اجلا س میں حلف نامے ختم نبوت سے متعلق ترامیم کے بارے میں ایوان کو آگاہ کریں گے،جب اس سلسلے میں آئی این پی 
نے سینیٹر حمداللہ سے رابطہ کرکے ان سے استفار کیا ، تو انہوں نے تصدیق

کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ انہیں اس شخصیت کا علم ہوگیا ہے جس نے حلف نامے میں ترمیم کی تھی۔اس کا انکشاف میں سینیٹ میں تقریر کے دوران کروں گا۔

’’یہ شخص ہمارے ساتھ یہ شرمناک کام کرتا رہا‘‘ پاکستانی خواتین کھلاڑیوں کا کوچ پر سنگین الزام، بڑا قدم اٹھا لیا

لاہور ( این این آئی) تحریک انصاف کی رکن پنجاب اسمبلی نبیلہ حاکم علی نے ویمن ہاکی ٹیم میں کوچ کی جانب سے خواتین کھلاڑیوں کو ہراساں کرنے کے خلاف پنجاب اسمبلی میں تحریک التوائے کار جمع کرادی جس میں کہا گیا ہے کہ کھلاڑی سدہ سعیدنے کوچ پر تشدد پر ہراساں کرنے کا الزام لگایا ہے۔اس حوالے سے کھلاڑی نے وزیر کھیل کو بھی خط لکھا ہے۔ایسے واقعات عالمی سطح پر پاکستان کی بدنامی کا باعث بنتے ہیں۔انہوں نے مزید موقف اختیار کیا ویمن ہاکی ٹیم کی کھلاڑی سیدہ سعید نے کوچ سعید خان پر الزام عائد کیا ہے
کہ کوچ نے مجھے پر تشدد کیا اور ہراساں بھی کیا ہے۔لہذا استدعا ہے کہ اس معاملے کی شفاف انکوائری کی جائے اور ذمہ داروں کے خلاف موثر کاروائی عمل میں لائی جائے۔

Monday 27 March 2017

Al- Farabi Origin Of State Abu Nasir Alfarabi The Great Islamic Philosopher Origin of State

Alfarabi  describe the different  conditions lead to led the emergence of state of ignorance.He studied the ideas of different scholar , [State of ignorance means if state is not ideal] if state is not ideal it is not included but generally  i have mentioned

Origin Of State

1  A Group of scholar says that force is the reason that led to cooperation between individual . 

2  poterircha  theory on the birth relation between father and child according to this group of scholar children born of same born of same father cooperate with each other as compare to those who are not belonging to them,

3 Material relation between two groups .
4 people organised by the supreme leader to political cooperation by talking oath that no one harm and hate each other .

5 language custom culture are the basis of cooperation 
6 geographical elements of same city sharing bonds of unity 

Farabi studied three condition which are the view points that built state ,like Greek philosophers, Farabi too took organic view of state.He link humean body with structure of state principal organ of human body is heart and state is leader 'Rais'. According to him heart signify the station of various organs which heart serve them. According to him  leader determin the status of group in society according to him body consist of different organs whose importance decreases with their distance increases with heart . In the same manner the state Rias arrange different function aries the significance of inccrease oand decreaseees depending upon the distance between them Rias ,

 Note;  Rias was the term which used for Leader 

Saturday 25 March 2017

Preamble Of Pakistan Constitution 1973 Full In English Urdu Preamble In Urdu

Whereas sovereignty Over the entire Universe belong to Almighty Allah , and the authority to be exercised by the People of Pakistan with in the limits prescribed by his a scared trust and where it is the of the Pakistan to established an order,

Wherein state shall exercise its power and authority though the chosen representative of the People.

wherein the principal of democracy freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated [تشریح]  by Islam shall be fully Observed ,

Wherein Muslim shall be enable to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teaching and requirements of Islam as set out the holy Quran and Sunnah,

Wherein adequate provision [مناسب انتطام] shall be made for the minorities freely to profess and practice their religion and developed their cultures,

Wherein the territories now included in or in accession with Pakistan in or in accession with Pakistan and such other territories as many hereafter be  included in or accede to Pakistan shall form a federation where in the units will be an autonomous on their powers and authority may be prescribed.

Therein shall be guaranteed of  of fundamental rights including equality of status, of opportunities before law, social and political justice and freedom of thought and expression, belief ,faith  worship , association and subject to law and morality,

Wherein adequate provision shall made to safe gourd the legitimate interests of the minorities and backward and depressed classes 

Wherein independence Of Judiciary  shall be secured,

Wherein the integrity of the territories of the federation its independence  and all its rights including it sovereign rights on land sea and air shall be safeguarded , So that the people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their right full land land humored place among est the nation of the world and make their full contribution to word international peace and progress and happiness of humanity ,

Now there fore we , the people of Pakistan cognisant  of our responsibility before almighty Allah Faithful to declaration made by Quaid i  Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that Pakistan would be a democratic state based on Islamic principal of social justice,
Dedicated to the preservation of Democ
racy achieved by the  un remitting struggle of the people against oppression and tyranny

چونکہ الللہ پاک ہی  پوری  کاءینتا  کا بلا شرکت حکم مطلق ہے اور پاکستان کے عوام کو